Wind and solar: penetration and co-optimisation this decade

This event includes speakers, networking, the Newcastle AIE branch AGM and a casual catch up following at the Stag and Hunter Hotel.

Aus intitute of energy newcastle

Renewable energy into the Australian Eastern grid, and co-optimisation of solar and wind site selection in Australia.


Micah Bell: Squadron Energy

On the ground renewable energy rollout; progress and challenges

  • Intro: Renewable Energy rollout current progress (Squadron and whole industry);
  • Challenges: grid upgrade plan, route access complexity, lack of social license and causes of that
  • Roll out in practice: how we select/model/develop wind sites
  • How this can lead to better energy output and prices

Helen Wu: CSIRO

Co-optimisation of wind and solar for renewable generator site selection in Australia and beyond

Abstract :

Sites for constructing wind and solar farms have typically been chosen to maximise total energy generation of an individual site, but rarely consider the intermittency of the renewable resource available at each location. As more renewable generation is added to electricity grids around the world, this intermittency is rapidly becoming a major factor constraining the volume of renewable generation that can be added cost-effectively, as additional fast response storage or dispatchable generation must compensate for periods of low renewable generation.

Helen Wu works as a CERC fellow at CSIRO. Throughout her academic and professional career, she has cultivated deep expertise in advanced statistical modelling, machine learning, and time series forecasting. Her research focuses on applying these methods to renewable resources assessment, energy forecasting, and improving predictive accuracy, while also leveraging data visualization to communicate insights efficiently. Driven by a passion for advancing renewable energy through data-driven approaches, Helen is committed to developing innovative solutions for global energy challenges. Helen received her PhD degree from University of Sydney, Master of Science and Bachelor of Science from National University of Singapore.

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