TUNRA Materials Handling in Ports workshop
Efficient bulk solids handling operations are of vital importance in the supply chain

The storage, handling and transportation of bulk solid materials are major activities for a vast number and variety of industries throughout the world. Efficient bulk solids handling operations are of vital importance in the supply chain. This becomes even more evident in ports, where the larger throughputs and number of materials often present unique challenges. From environmental and safety concerns such as dust emissions, risk of liquefaction, self-heating or explosions, to unplanned maintenance stops potentially leading to excessive demurrage costs, appropriate design of bulk handling equipment is the key to ensure operational efficiency.
Considerable advances continue to be made in research, development, application and implementation of the technologies associated with various aspects of bulk solids handling. TUNRA Bulk Solids is proud to share some of its learnings in a one-day workshop on 7th December on materials characterisation and behaviour as well as highly specialised engineering analyses that have led to the successful completion of a number of projects for ports in Australia and overseas. For more information or to register please contact Danielle.Harris@newcastle.edu.au