Staying Sane in Uncertain Times
Understand the impact of the uncertainty in which we find ourselves and gain practical tools to take away and use in life, business and leadership straight away

Jo Marshall, innovator of practical tools for creating great work cultures and founder of Culturise, will bring her extensive experience in employee wellness and managing complexity and change. In conversation with NAWO's Louise, she will cover the practicalities of setting up and managing remote teams in busy operations – the challenges of multiple people working from home, managing around shift work and the difficulty many of us face in working and home schooling.
Jo will take you through her key steps for dealing with the above factors and how to remain sane, making sure that whilst doing so we know and care for ourselves, remain connected and can be adaptable.
Date: Wednesday 29 April 2020
Time: 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM (AEST)