NSW Priority Market Webinars - Singapore and Vietnam

These briefings will focus on the impacts on global trade, supply-chains (export and import) and international education resulting from the current global situation.


This webinar will hear feature Austrade Trade and Investment Commissioners in Singapore and Vietnam, as well as a NSW business with experience in these markets.

The briefing will focus on the opportunities for food & beverage and the technology sectors in Singapore and Vietnam, as well as the impacts on trade and supply-chains resulting from the current global situation. Learn about how businesses are responding to this crisis and adapting to continue operations and prepare for when conditions improve. This webinar will also explore trends for future cooperation between NSW, Singapore and Vietnam.

Why Singapore?

Singapore’s role as a financial, logistics and professional services hub for the region means it is an important place to build and facilitate Australian business engagement in the region. Total two-way trade was AUD 32.2 billion in 2018 with AUD 21.4 billion in goods and AUD 10.8 billion in services trade. Singapore is our largest two-way trading partner in ASEAN, and fifth largest trading partner overall (after China, Japan, the US and ROK), and Singapore is Australia’s sixth largest services export market behind China, the US, India, the UK and New Zealand at AUD 5.1 billion. Singapore’s foreign direct investment in Australia was AUD 28.0 billion (2.9 per cent of total) in 2018.

Why Vietnam?

Vietnam is among Australia’s fastest growing major trade partners, with bilateral trade increasing around 12 per cent annually over the past five years. The country is currently Australia’s 15th largest trade partner. Australia and Vietnam have agreed to develop a strategy to become top ten trading partners and double the investment. Vietnam’s growing economy and burgeoning middle-class present significant opportunities for Australian business through our commodities, including coal, LNG, iron ore, wheat and live cattle, and our services industry, including education, professional and technical services.

The briefing will cover:

  • Welcome and MC by Peter Mackey, Director International, NSW Trade and Investment
  • Vietnam Agribusiness and food (including e-commerce) insights by Yvonne Chan, Senior Trade Commissioner, Vietnam
  • Vietnam Technology (digital health, fintech and cybersecurity) insights by Shannon Leahy, Trade Commissioner, Vietnam
  • Singapore Food & Agribusiness insights by Amelia Walsh, Trade Commissioner, Singapore
  • Singapore Technology insights by Stephen Skulley, Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner, Singapore
  • NSW Case Study speaker (TBC)
  • Moderated online Q & A session

Who should attend? Emerging and existing exporters from NSW from

  • F&B and agribusiness (including e-commerce)
  • Technologies (digital health, fintech, regtech and cybersecurity)

How to register?

  • Cost: Free (places are limited) and registration is required.
  • When: Wednesday, 10 June 2020 from 03:00-04:00pm (AEST).
  • Platform: Online briefing (Skype dial-in details will be sent prior to the event)
  • Further information: tania.panagoda@treasury.nsw.gov.au

Read Austrade’s COVID-19 updates for exporters for further information on the current situation.

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