POSTPONED RDA Hunter’s 2020 Regional Development Summit
Do we really know what Industry 4.0 is and how the Hunter region is faring in achieving it? Which industries are striving for it, which have already achieved it and how have they done it?
Has there been a measurable shift towards it across all of the Hunter’s sectors of competitive strength? If not, why not and what does it mean for the region’s future if we don’t strengthen our economy by driving industry growth? Do we have the right skills to transition?
And what about innovation – is it still critical for industry growth? Do we have the knowledge we need locally to embark on the next industrial revolution – to what extent is cross-border collaboration necessary to tap expertise and experience?
RDA Hunter’s 2020 Regional Development Summit will draw on the knowledge of well-credentialled commentators, industry experts, government and business representatives to examine the Hunter’s industrial landscape.
There will be a keynote on macro trends impacting economic growth. Hear about Industry 4.0; the role of innovation and skills in Australia’s industry growth; and the Government’s Industry Growth Centres Initiative. And, Hunter industry will help us understand how our sectors of competitive strength are transitioning for the future.