Online Masterclass: LNAPL Natural Source Zone Depletion
This self-paced course covers best practice management of sites contaminated with LNAPLs, including the use of natural source zone depletion

This self-paced online course covers the science of NSZD of LNAPLs, including measurement techniques/methodologies and options for incorporating NSZD into LNAPL conceptual site model development and site management strategy. It draws on CRC CARE Technical Reports 44, 46 and 47.
The Online Masterclass will provide you with an understanding of LNAPL - NSZD processes, as well as evolution of LNAPL site management toward more sustainable risk and science-based practices, NSZD assessment , and where and when NSZD can be applied to site management. Evaluating NSZD processes can be valuable for delineating hydrocarbon impacts, baselining natural mass losses, and evaluating remedial alternatives.
Attendees will gain an awareness of the different methods available for evaluating NSZD, along with the advantages and limitations of each method.
The workshop is aimed at those with some knowledge of the contaminated site industry. The workshop should be of particular interest to regulators, industry professionals and consultants who work at or manage contaminated sites.