Central Coast Doctoral Training Centre - Opportunities in 2020

The Doctoral Training Centre aims to boost industry and research engagement in the Central Coast region in 2020.


In 2020, The Newcastle Institute for Energy and Resources (NIER) will be opening a Doctoral Training Centre (DTC) at the UON Central Coast campus.

We are inviting interested academics and industry representatives to attend a consultation session from 10.30am - 11.30am on Monday 17th February to hear more about potential benefits of the DTC, and to contribute feedback on how this model can be set up to support industry and research engagement in the Ourimbah region.

The unique DTC model benefits both the industry partner and PhD candidate by bringing together multidisciplinary teams to work on specific research projects to solve business specific challenges, drive product development and commercialisation.

DTC candidates spend time working at the company site, while the industry partner gets access to university facilities and research capabilities and expertise that would otherwise be inaccessible. The framework provides a platform for new discoveries and innovation beyond traditional R&D framework.

We invite you to join this session to hear more about the program and provide your ideas on how the successful implementation of a DTC in your region can bring value to researchers, industry and students. Morning tea will be provided.

Please RSVP for catering purposes.

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