May tech talk: The rise and rise of Indonesian HPAL - but can it continue?
Join the Sydney Branch for their May technical talk: The rise and rise of Indonesian HPAL - but can it continue?
An announcement in October 2018 that shook the nickel world with its audacity – a 50Kt Ni/a high-pressure acid leach (HPAL) plant was to be built in Indonesia for US$700M and would be operating sometime in 2019!
This was a significantly lesser cost than that of previously commissioned plants, such as at Goro (US$5.9B), Ambatovy (US$5.7B), Ramu (US$2.1B) and Ravensthorpe ($US2.1B).
While certain things conspired to delay the development, not least COVID-19, two new HPAL operations commenced production in Indonesia in 2021!
The usual phases of development, have taken place in record time, meaning that 150Kt of nickel-in-MHP (mixed hydroxide precipitate) capacity has been commissioned in Indonesia faster than ever before.
It is important to note that future global nickel supply for both the battery sector and stainless-steel sectors will be dependent on nickel sourced from Indonesia.
Please join AusIMM to hear Angela’s insights into the world of nickel and the important role that Indonesia will play.
Very topical and an evening not to be missed.