Keeping up with the best - processing mixed wastes
The Bioenergy Association invites anyone interested in how residual waste-to-energy can contribute to a circular bioeconomy to attend this webinar.

Two Waste to Energy (WtE) plants are now in construction south of Perth, Western Australia. The project proponents will turn 700,000 tpy residual waste into electricity, clean air, metals, and road aggregate from 2022 onwards.
To keep up with the best, Australasia has to follow European best practice by recycling and composting at least 65% waste while reducing landfilling to less than 10%. In transitioning towards a Circular Economy, WtE can be a cleaning step for wastes which are too contaminated or too tricky to mechanically separate, such as multi-composite materials. Recycling, composting and anaerobic digestion of organic waste works well for source separated material but mixed waste can be a problem for such technologies. We need a multi-solution approach. WtE is ideal for those difficult mixed wastes.
With a multi-solution approach it is realistic to assume that only about 1% of waste still goes to landfill, as is the case in the best-performing countries in Europe. Waste managers have to channel their energy into the possible and avoid getting caught up in the rhetoric of the impossible. Experience shows that near-zero waste to landfill can be achieved by adopting ambitious goals and practice from overseas!
HZI Australia’s Marc Stammbach was involved in the 300,000 tpy East Rockingham project from its initial development to financial close through to the project now under construction. The project addressed and jumped the many market barriers to bring an internationally well tested but until now under-utilised waste technology to Australia
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About the presenter
Dr. Marc R Stammbach - Managing Director, Hitachi Zosen Inova Australia. Marc designed, marketed and built recycling and processing facilities for more than 30 years in environmental and large-scale investment industries in Australia and Europe.
His most recent project is the 300,000 tpy East Rockingham WtE project firing up in mid-2022. Today, he manages the local subsidiary of HZI to deliver WtE solutions to the Oceania market.