AusIMM Thought Leadership Series 2021 - Future Workforce

A sustainable talent pipeline is vital for the resources sector and the continuing global demand for advancing social and economic prosperity.

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With technology being a continual driver of change in the industry, it brings significant implications to the workforce: demand for specific roles, demands for new skills, and identifying talent requirements that are either still emerging, or as yet unrecognised.

Are universities keeping pace with the evolving demand for graduates with future-ready skills? Are there other channels by which professionals enter the industry and equally can transfer across to other industries that may offer greater benefits? How do we attract and develop the next generation of resource professionals?

AusIMM's 2021 Series’ theme of Next Generation Mining demands a deep dive into the future of the resource's workforce. Discussions will explore the skills we will require and where the talent comes from, revealing the pathways and key imperatives for a sustainable future workforce and showcase lessons from parallel industries that have been working to address similar workforce challenges.

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