Embodied Carbon – What does this mean for product suppliers?
Embodied Carbon is shaping up as a new frontier for regulator, investor and customer expectations on Australian suppliers of materials and equipment.

Embodied Carbon refers to the greenhouse gas emissions that are involved in the making of a product such as a brick or an air conditioner. We’re familiar with these manufacturing emissions being regulated at the point of production. Now they are also being thought about as part of the final product when used. And they are becoming the subject of commitments by end users, rating schemes and regulatory and trade measures like the European Union Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism.
For Australian industry it’s a good time to start grappling with this issue. Where are expectations going? How can we manage embodied carbon? And how may this affect your business?
Join Ai Group for a 90-minute webinar, hosted by Director of Climate Change and Energy, Tennant Reed, hear from experts and regulators – and put your questions to them.
Speakers include:
Ivana Brown – National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS)
Mark Vender – AIRAH, on behalf of the Materials and Embodied Carbon Leaders' Alliance (MECLA)
Tennant Reed – Ai Group