Collaboration Showcase: Transformation Through Partnerships
Presentations in this webinar will discuss collective appraoches to business and industry transformation strategies and technology initiatives to take operations to the next level.

Join Austmine and guest speakers for the fourth webinar in the Collaboration Showcase series on Delivering Transformation Through Partnerships.
Co-design and Co-delivery of Ok Tedi’s Three-year Automation and Optimisation Roadmap
Mipac, OK Tedi
The presentation provides an overview of the automation and optimisation of the OK Tedi Mining Limited Copper/Gold Concentrator project co-delivered by Mipac and Ok Tedi.
A strategic delivery project to improve automation that drives process stability, increases production and reduces operating risks, commenced with the co-development of a three-year automation and optimisation roadmap that included three value streams:
- Digitisation, reporting and analytics
- Process plant automation and optimisation
- Capability development and support
Now in the third year of the roadmap, OTML and Mipac continue to collaboratively achieve positive outcomes, introducing other partners, including Siemens, along the way to create greater value.
Wireless Tracking and Situational Awareness in Underground Hardrock Mines
Roobuck, Mobilaris
Mobilaris in collaboration with Roobuck and Kirkland Lake Gold Fosterville Mine have combined expertise and resources to deliver an underground personnel, asset, and vehicle situational awareness solution.
This required developing a new way of communicating with wireless cap lamps based on MQTT, which is meant to simplify the interoperability between vendors and the development of a wireless cap lamp providing WiFi-BLE with IMU, RFID and 2-way signalling.
Mobilaris Emergency SupportTM, now integrated with Roobuck wireless cap lamps, is being prepared for underground testing. The go-live of Mobilaris Emergency SupportTM together with the cap lamps is planned for the second half of 2021.