“Circular Economy makes good business sense”
A free workshop as part of the Central Coast Industry Festival
This face to face workshop will provide insight into how to the circular economy provides tangible benefits to business. We will start with insight from one of Australia’s leading Australian Research Council (ARC) Laureate Professor, Veena Sahajwalla, an internationally recognised materials scientist, engineer and inventor who is revolutionising recycling science. Veena will speak on her MICROfactorie™ journey covering “microrecycling” and the future of recycling.
This will be followed by two speakers from the University of Newcastle, Alan Broadfoot, Director of Newcastle Institute of Energy and Resources (NIER) who speak on the topic: “Research to Market” UNSW and UoN collaborating on an advanced innovation ecosystem for recycling and clean energy and Professor Paul Dastoor University of Newcastle, who will provide talk on “Advanced Technology at NIER delivering real-world impact”
Following these presentations, we will have three local industry case studies to share with you that will highlight what is happening on the Central Coast.
- ·Mark Harry, R&D Manager at Mars Food Australia will talk about how Mars are going to deal with soft plastics.
- ·Chloe Hyde, Sustainable Development & Public Relations at TrendPac will take us through TrendPac’s sustainability journey and their future plans.
- ·Graham Knowles, group General Manager and Chief Operating Officer at iQRenew will speak on the infrastructure that iQRenew are investing in to process soft plastics and Glass.
The event will end with a panel discussion with all the speakers where the audience can participate in through questions.
This event is free and tea and coffee will be provided.