Looking Ahead for Mining and METS

The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented crisis exacting a toll on our health and on our economy.

It is critical that we understand the economic impacts on our business, how to access liquidity when cash flow may be suffering, and what the mining industry looks like when we are back to normality.

  • The impact that COVID-19 will have on the global economy and the Australian economy;
  • An early indicator from China;
  • Where to look for funding during the crisis;
  • What the stimulus may mean for your business;
  • The commodities outlook;
  • The mining industry's modernisation and the impact it will have on METS.

At the end of the webinar there will be an opportunity for Q&A.

Speaker Details

Braw Shaw, Chief Operating Officer, InterFinancial Corporate Finance

Webinar Details

Date: Thursday 14 May 2020
Time: 12.30 - 1PM (AEST)
Registration:Use the link above to register and contact nicole.colomb@austmine.com.au if you need assistance.

This webinar is open to Austmine members and mining company partners.

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