Australian Hydrogen Forum

The Australian Hydrogen Forum will address the range of policy, commercial and technical questions that need to be debated for a hydrogen industry to become a reality


Hydrogen could be the next big Australian growth industry, with a ‘blue sky’ horizon, significant R&D underway and substantial government support for development.

Though before it reaches anything like the scale at which its potential is currently being theorised, a lot of work needs to be done.

In this context, the Australian Hydrogen Forum will address the range of policy, commercial and technical questions that need to be debated for a hydrogen industry to become a reality.

Bringing together key stakeholders from all key players in a possible future hydrogen industry, you can engage directly with potential hydrogen buyers, infrastructure, energy and tech companies that are designing the supply chain and the government agencies supporting development.

Brought to you by the organisers of the ‘Hydrogen & Gas 2030 Summit’, ‘Australian Energy Week’ and the ‘Australian Domestic Gas Outlook Conference'.

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