5th Annual Australian Renewable Energy Zones Conference
The transformation of Australia’s electricity system & the accelerating growth of renewable energy across Australia is unprecedented. With significant investments and development of renewable energy generation and technologies we have the potential to become a renewable energy superpower.

Building on the past 4 events this year’s event is perfectly timed to bring together and engage key stakeholders to discuss the latest developments and initiatives in the Renewable Energy Zones (REZ) across Australia.
Our key topics Include:
- Transforming Australia’s electricity system
- Policy, regulation, state & local initiative
- Update on the REZ roll out and the new proposed REZ
- Financing & investment – opportunities, considerations & risks
- Transmission – The missing link and bottleneck to achieve success
- Storage –improving supply and price security
- Community push back against renewables – What can be done?
- Overcoming hurdles – The role of transparency, collaboration & alliances
- REZ: Opportunities and challenges for Traditional Owners
- Renewable technology showcase & outlook
- Empowering communities: Navigating the path to renewable energy zones
- Case Studies – Updates from developers on operational assets and proposed projects