2nd Lithium Batteries Conference
Explore the future of lithium battery technology in Australia
The aim of this conference is to explore the future of lithium battery technology in Australia including industry issues, the new battery storage standards AS/NZS 5139 and emerging applications. The event will focus on lithium battery design, installation, manufacturing, chemistry, energy storage, electrical vehicles, charging stations and hybrid applications. It will explore recent research developments and how these can be applied in the real world to benefit industry and the Australian consumer.
Lithium battery technology is developing quickly and Standards Australia is set to release the new Australian battery storage standards AS/NZS 5139 - Electrical installations - Safety of battery systems for use with power conversion equipment in the coming months. Fast track your knowledge of the new battery standard (AS/NZS 5139) by registering today.
For more details download the event brochure HERE or register online HERE.
Register online or email your registration form to conferences@idc-online.com. If you experience any difficulties, please call 1300 138 522 and ask for Sarah.