Have your say on Federal energy and resources economic growth strategies

The Australian Federal Government is seeking input into two key strategic priorities that will shape the future for Australia's resources and technology sectors.


The $15 billion National Reconstruction Fund (NRF) is supporting the transformation of Australia's economy to drive long term sustainable economic growth.

The Department of Industry, Science and Resources want to hear about any challenges in accessing finance in your sector. This is your opportunity to help shape the implementation of the NRF, to ensure it can help support, diversify and transform our industry and economy to create more secure, well-paid jobs for all Australians.

The new Critical Minerals Strategy is looking to capture the demand for processed critical minerals to meet rapidly growing global markets, helping us as a nation move along the global value chain.

It has a vision to put Australia at the centre of meeting the growing market for critical minerals. It will underpin our prosperity and security by improving access to reliable, secure and resilient supplies of critical minerals.

These consultations are an opportunity to provide constructive input to help shape our future.

To join the discussion on the National Reconstruction fund, please see - NRF

And for input to Australia’s Critical Mineral Strategy please click - Minerals

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