EnergyCo and BRC-A partner to teach businesses how to save with PPAs
The New South Wales Government has unveiled a new initiative designed to aid businesses and local councils within the state's Renewable Energy Zones (REZs) in understanding and securing renewable energy power purchase agreements (PPAs).

This PPA training initiative, a collaborative effort between the Energy Corporation of NSW (EnergyCo) and the Business Renewables Centre Australia (BRC-A), is set to empower business and councils with the necessary knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about their energy options, contributing to both economic savings and environmental benefits.
The program aims to provide comprehensive resources, workshops, and educational opportunities to help participants navigate the PPA process. This move is expected to foster greater adoption of renewable energy by ensuring long-term, reliable supplies directly from sources such as solar and wind farms.
“Power purchase agreements are a great way for local councils and businesses to lock in energy price stability, save money and source more electricity directly from renewables,” EnergyCo's Community Benefits and Regional Development Director, Alexandra Hall, said.
The initiative kicked off with information sessions in the Central-West Orana REZ, with further sessions planned for the Hunter-Central Coast and New England REZs in the upcoming months. These sessions will cover the financial and environmental benefits of PPAs and provide detailed insights into the PPA process.
Jackie McKeon, Program Director at the Business Renewables Centre Australia, is excited about the collaboration: “The Business Renewables Council is thrilled to be working with EnergyCo to raise the literacy level about power purchase agreements for organisations around NSW.”