Energy Efficiency Council focuses on installation of insulation
A consultation paper is now available for public comment, setting out initial findings from the project and potential solutions for delivering insulation installation in a safe and quality manner.

According to research group ClimateWorks, improving the energy efficiency of commercial buildings and industrial processes and equipment could save 46.9 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions per year. If correct, this would represent nearly one-third of Australia’s current abatement challenge (of cutting 155 million tonnes of greenhouse gases in 2020).
Energy efficiency measures could also save businesses $1.7 billion and another $2.3 billion across the economy per year.
One of the surest ways to improve energy efficiency is to ensure buildings are well insulated.
The Energy Efficiency Council, in collaboration with the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (ASBEC), has been working on an industry-led roadmap for quality control and safety in the installation of insulation in buildings. The project has been initiated by The Government of New South Wales, Government of Victoria, Insulation Australasia (IA) and the Insulation Council of Australia and New Zealand (ICANZ) to ensure that insulation is installed in Australia in a manner that is safe and delivers quality outcomes.
The aim of the industry-led insulation roadmap is to facilitate actions from industry, government and community that will derisk insulation installation in both residential and commercial settings, and in retrofits, renovations and new builds.
A consultation paper is now available for public comment until 30 October 2020. The consultation paper sets out initial findings from the project and potential solutions for delivering insulation installation in a safe and quality manner.
The Energy Efficiency Council and ASBEC will be holding a public information webinar on 12 October from 3:30-5pm AEST during which attendees will be presented with an overview of the consultation paper's initial findings and potential solutions. There will be a chance to ask questions and participate in a facilitated discussion. If you would like to attend the webinar, please register here.
The Energy Efficiency Council and ASBEC look forward to receiving feedback from a wide variety of stakeholders to ensure broad agreement in the final report's recommendations. The final report is expected to be released at the end of the year.