Australian companies sought for India's Adriyala Longwall Mining Project
Expressions of Interest now open

Austrade Hyderabad has fielded an exciting and substantial opportunity from Singareni Collieries seeking Expressions of Interest from Australian companies able to provide operations and maintenance services for their Adriyala Longwall Mining Project.
Customer background:
The Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) is a Government coal mining company jointly owned by the State Government of Telangana and Government of India on a 51:49 equity basis. SCCL achieved a turnover of INR 25,828 crores (~A$ 5.1 billion) for the year 2018-19 with a coal production of 64.4 MT.
The Singareni coal reserves stretch across 350 Km of the Pranahita – Godavari Valley of Telangana with a proven geological reserves aggregating to about 8791 million tonnes. SCCL is currently operating 16 opencast and 31 underground mines in 4 districts of Telangana with a team of around 58,837.
What the customer is seeking:
Singareni Collieries Adriyala Longwall project is located in the Peddapally district of Telangana State in Godavari Valley Coalfields. It is 220 km from Hyderabad.
The Adriyala Longwall Project covers 3.4 sq. km and is accessed by four (4) Permanent Punch Entries and two (2) temporary Punch Entries. There are four (4) workable seams. No. 1 seam is using Longwall technology and about 3.36 MT of coal has been extracted. No.2 is under extraction and is likely to be completed by December 2019.
Singareni (SCCL) is seeking EOIs from Longwall contractors for operation & maintenance including spares supply for 3 & 4 extractions and two salvage operations. The contract is for a minimum of five (5) years. SCCL is looking for professional operators conversant with fully Automated Longwall face including:
• Total face operations & maintenance of Longwall equipment including spares supply with consumables and face transfer operations
• All the activities inside the panel including operation of Gate belt except in TG beyond the distance of 30m from face shall be the responsibility of the contractor
• Only OEM/OPM spare parts are to be supplied
• The service provider shall be liable for the guaranteed performance of the equipment
• Four to Five (4/5) expats will likely be required for technical assistance to cover VSD & Automation (CAT), Electrical (B&F), Hydraulics & Mechanical. They need to be experienced in the operations and maintenance (O&M) of Longwall equipment and Gate belt Drives.
The company is also looking for technical alliances / collaboration through joint ventures in the following areas:
• Shaft sinking and high speed tunnelling
• Surface Miners in OC mines for selective mining
• Continuous Miners in UG mines
• Coal Production through Longwall equipment for deeper deposits
• Setting up Captive Power Plants
• Dry de-shaling/de-stoning technology to improve quality of coal
• Energy conservation systems
• Highwall Mining to exploit uneconomical deposits of opencast mines
• Dry de-shaling/de-stoning technology to improve quality of coal.
SCCL is exploring opportunities to form joint ventures to explore thermal coal in Australia. The company has an on-going association with CSIRO (Q-CAT) for underground mining technologies.
To be successful with this opportunity, please note the following factors:
• Experienced professional operators conversant with fully Automated Longwall face
• Contractors with interest & ability to engage with the project for a minimum of 5 years
• Contractors should be able to deploy experts for the O&M contract
• SCCL is keen to collaborate on other projects for a longer term.