Australia unveils Digital Prospectus for Critical Minerals Projects

A digital prospectus showcasing over 55 Australian investment-ready critical minerals projects, aiming to attract international investment and drive the development of the country's critical minerals industry has been launched by the Australian Government..

Aus critical mineral prospectus

A new digital platform has launched to promote Australian critical minerals projects to potential investors and buyers worldwide. The interactive Australian Critical Minerals Prospectus features over 55 investment-ready projects across the country, highlighting the nation's rich mineral endowment and available government support.

The online tool allows users to navigate Australia's diverse mineral resources and explore potential funding opportunities. The Prospectus shows this country is home to a vast array of critical minerals essential for the production of electric vehicles, solar panels, hydrogen technology, and batteries.

"We're eager to attract international investment in our critical minerals projects," said Minister for Trade and Tourism, Don Farrell. "Australia has the critical minerals the world needs, and we need investment to bring these projects to life."

The government is offering incentives to encourage investment in critical minerals projects, including the $4 billion Critical Minerals Facility and the recently announced $7 billion Critical Minerals Production Tax Incentive.

"Critical minerals are vital for reducing emissions and supporting the defence industry," said Minister for Resources, Madeleine King. "We need overseas investment to build our critical minerals industry, and this new online prospectus will help drive investment into the sector."

The Australian Critical Minerals Prospectus is now available online here.

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