Artificial Intelligence to coordinate EV smart chargers trial
A new trial for smart chargers for electric vehicles (EVs) is supporting consumer choice in future fuels

On behalf of the Australian Government, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has announced $838,000 in funding to Origin Energy Ltd to undertake an electric vehicle (EV) smart charging trial across the National Electricity Market (NEM).
Origin will provide and install 150 smart chargers to incentivise new and existing EV owners to participate in the trial. The smart chargers will be installed across residential, commercial and industrial premises of EV owners and fleets, where they will be remotely monitored and controlled via software.
The smart chargers will also be integrated into Origin’s existing platform for managing distributed energy.
The $2.9 million trial will look to evaluate the benefits of and barriers to controlled smart charging, including improving our understanding of EV driver behaviour, willingness to accept third party control and what incentives are needed to encourage future participation in charge management programs.